In this gallery, you can see photos of a customer's installation of our full HD DVR-M880GS GPS-enabled dash cam and USB Mini Fuse Installation Kit in a 1999 Chevrolet C5 Corvette. Click on any image to view a larger version. Thanks Bruce!
NOTE: this type of installation should be performed by a qualified individual or business only. Working with your vehicle's power system can be dangerous to both you and your vehicle if you do not know what you are doing! If you have any doubts, please consult a professional.
To view our instructions for performing an installation such as this, please view our advanced dashcam installation how-to.
About to start the installation:

The fuse box is located behind this panel in the passenger side foot well:

Installation kit plugged in to "hot on start" fuse, ground point highlighted by arrow:

USB cable has been run up the A-pillar (A-pillar cover removed):

Customer utilized dark tape to secure the USB cable:

A-pillar reinstalled:

Fuse cover reinstalled, ground point bolt tightened, extra USB cable excess wiring secured:

DVR-M880GS dash cam and hardwire kit fully installed:

Exterior shots:

Drive safe!
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